"After a week or so I could tell the difference where energy level increases, better recovery after each work out, less tired n definitely better performance."-Linus Lee

NMN+ 抗衰老凍齡丸


NMN+ with Biosirin™ 是一種全面性的煙酰胺單核苷酸補充劑,每份含有 320 毫克取得獨家專利高密度、高純度 NMN 與準專利配方 Biosirin™ 複合物和三甲基甘氨酸。

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煙酰胺單核苷酸(NMN)是一種天然存在於食物和我們身體中的化合物。它會產生NAD+,這是我們線粒體必不可少的燃料。我們需要足夠水平的NAD+,因為它支持我們體內所有的細胞活動。 NAD+水平會隨著年齡的增長而自然下降,而NMN可以幫助體內補充NAD+。

NMN+ with Biosirin™

NMN+ with Biosirin™擁有高端的細胞恢復配方,新一代煙酰胺單核苷酸(NMN)提高NAD+和準專利成分Biosirin™,能夠幫助您充分發揮您的潛力。基於全球臨床試驗和研究, NMN+ with Biosirin™含有經過臨床測試的成分,並經過三層密封,以此保持質量和新鮮度。

INVITY與其他的 NMN補充劑有什麼不同?

根据USP指南进行测试,INVITY使用纯高密度NMN,该NMN不僅是稳定的,還具有更高的生物利用度,也用于FDA发表的临床试验。我们还提供透明度和纯度准确性与第三方独立认可的实验室检测。INVITY NMN+ With Biosirin,可与sirtuins和AMPK等长寿激活因數携手作用。

NMN+ with Biosirin™ 適用人群?

NMN+ with Biosirin™适用于18岁以上的成年人。如果你正在怀孕、哺乳期、服药或有严重的健康问题,请在食用之前咨询你的医生。



Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
It did increase my energy.

Tried for 1 month and took 2 capsules daily. It did help me increase my energy level.

Linus Lee

After a week or so I could tell the difference where energy level increases, better recovery after each work out, less tired n definitely better performance

TG Lim
Recovered well from covid jab after taking invity

After my first covid jab, had sore arm and felt really tired, but I felt much better the day after I started taking invity. I was expecting worse effects after my second jab, but surprisingly I was better than before, with almost no side effects. I attribute this to invity supplement, it helped my body recover well from the vaccine.

Adonsia Yap
Fast Forward Recovery Time

Amazing stuff! I was hurting at my joints and muscles after my first-ever gym training and thought to myself, why not try Invity out since I have one box just right by my desk. To my surprise, I woke the next day with at least 70% reduction in pain! Thereafter, my recovery from gym training sessions were fantastically quick or sometimes, almost no pain. I started sleeping really well at night too! I used to take at least 1hr or so to doze off in the night. Must try!

Jesse Loong

I tried this product about 3 weeks now and it's definitely given me a boost in terms of energy.
I used to have trouble sleeping due to stress from a new job but once I started taking invity, I've felt myself sleeping better.
Will definitely recommend it for anyone who wants to give it a go.

每天飯前或飯後服用 2 粒膠囊。 建議早餐前服用一粒膠囊,午餐後再服用一粒膠囊。



  1. Wei, Chun-Chun et al. “Nicotinamide mononucleotide attenuates brain injury after intracerebral hemorrhage by activating Nrf2/HO-1 signaling pathway.” Scientific reports vol. 7,1 717. 6 Apr. 2017.
  2. Mills, Kathryn F et al. “Long-Term Administration of Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Mitigates Age-Associated Physiological Decline in Mice.” Cell metabolism vol. 24,6 (2016): 795-806.
  3. Das, Abhirup et al. “Impairment of an Endothelial NAD+-H2S Signaling Network Is a Reversible Cause of Vascular Aging.” Cell vol. 173,1 (2018): 74-89.e20. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2018.02.008
  4. Das, Abhirup & Sinclair, David & Bonkowski, Michael & Johnston, Ian & Wu, Lindsay. (2017). Extension of physical endurance and protection against physical, chemical and radiological trauma by NAD + precursors. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 20. S165-S166. 
  5. Lee, Hyun Sook et al. “Gynostemma Pentaphyllum Extract Ameliorates High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity in C57BL/6N Mice by Upregulating SIRT1.” Nutrients vol. 11,10 2475. 15 Oct. 2019.
  6. Chen, Shuang et al. “Therapeutic Effects of Quercetin on Inflammation, Obesity, and Type 2 Diabetes.” Mediators of inflammation vol. 2016 (2016): 9340637. 
  7. Hong, Weiqi et al. “Nicotinamide Mononucleotide: A Promising Molecule for Therapy of Diverse Diseases by Targeting NAD+ Metabolism.” Frontiers in cell and developmental biology vol. 8 246. 28 Apr. 2020.

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
It did increase my energy.

Tried for 1 month and took 2 capsules daily. It did help me increase my energy level.

Linus Lee

After a week or so I could tell the difference where energy level increases, better recovery after each work out, less tired n definitely better performance

TG Lim
Recovered well from covid jab after taking invity

After my first covid jab, had sore arm and felt really tired, but I felt much better the day after I started taking invity. I was expecting worse effects after my second jab, but surprisingly I was better than before, with almost no side effects. I attribute this to invity supplement, it helped my body recover well from the vaccine.

Adonsia Yap
Fast Forward Recovery Time

Amazing stuff! I was hurting at my joints and muscles after my first-ever gym training and thought to myself, why not try Invity out since I have one box just right by my desk. To my surprise, I woke the next day with at least 70% reduction in pain! Thereafter, my recovery from gym training sessions were fantastically quick or sometimes, almost no pain. I started sleeping really well at night too! I used to take at least 1hr or so to doze off in the night. Must try!

Jesse Loong

I tried this product about 3 weeks now and it's definitely given me a boost in terms of energy.
I used to have trouble sleeping due to stress from a new job but once I started taking invity, I've felt myself sleeping better.
Will definitely recommend it for anyone who wants to give it a go.