Redefining The Way
We Age

Eugene He, Founder

“We're living longer, but not necessarily better, so the need to increase our healthspan resulted in the creation of INVITY. With the support of our community scientists, our mission is to redefine lifespan through scientific nutrition to make longevity achievable for everyone in our lifetime.”
  • Scientists now believe we may cure aging in our lifetime. We want to keep you as youthful as possible until they do. At the forefront of longevity and anti-aging research is a compound called Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN). NMN is a compound that is converted into NAD+ in the body. NAD + is the battery recharger of the mitochondria, the cellular engines that power every organ in the body from the skin, to the heart, to your liver.
  • The heart has 5,000 mitochondria per heart cell and human brain cells can contain 2,000,000 mitochondria per cell. You want to supply these batteries with as much “juice” as possible. Since NAD+ diminishes in the body as we age, and replenishing it is key in promoting longevity and youth at a cellular level.

Ethics & Ethos

We are proud to stand by our principles because these pillars support the very foundation of our research - sustainable and effective solutions to defy the impact of time on the human body.

  • Seed to Capsule

    Vertical integration from R&D to finished product ensures we have control over transparency and consistency in our products

  • Purity Matters

    Purity impacts bioavailability. We work with independant accredited labs to test both raw materials and finished products for potency and accuracy

  • Sustainable

    Always vegan with natural or nature-identical ingredients. Longevity is for everyone, so it makes sense that our products suit your diet and lifestyle too

  • Best In Class

    GMP, FDA, USP, GRAS, ISO - These fancy acronyms may or may not mean a thing to you, but we've got you covered if it matters

  • Crowd Research

    Cutting-edge research is a community effort. We are supported by a network of global scientists passionate about longevity and wellness

  • Results Driven

    We're users of our products too so we expect the best, replicable efficacy for every formula and ingredient

Our Mission

Our mission at INVITY is to bring you the most cutting-edge, science-backed nutritional and cell-restoring formulations that can help humans delay aging and become their most youthful selves in every way. Together with our community scientists, we are focusing on NAD+, AMPK and Sirtuins pathways to develop novel formulations, like our patent-pending Biosirin, a combination of standardized phytonutrients to help support and protect our body on a cellular level.

Vertical Integration

As a vertically-integrated research company, we have control and visibility of our products from farm-to-tablet (or in our case, farm-to-capsule). We oversee every aspect of production to ensure the safety and efficacy of our products. This ensures that our insistence upon safety and quality is met at every step in the production and supply chain, up to the product being delivered to your door.

The Power of Community

With a focus on crowd research, team science and public education, our research team work both independently and in collaboration with our network of scientists and physicians globally. Our family is growing, as are the interests and needs in longevity science.

The Power of Community

Join Our Growing Community

We'd love you to join our growing network. Whether it's contributing an article, taking part in our crowd research projects or being our resident scientist, drop us a mail and we'll buy you a coffee.
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